6 Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

It’s not so easy for a beginner to choose the best places to promote your business, especially for social media advertising. Because there are too many options nowadays for you to choose from. No one can deny the effectiveness of digital marketing as well as social media advertising. If you can utilize social media, they will bring huge results to your sales and branding strategy. As people use social media all the time. You can also reach a large audience and increase the awareness of your brand among people.

Understand its productiveness as well as your difficulties, we would like to guild you through the 6 best platforms for social media advertising that you can use in your business. Hope this will successfully give you a general idea of what are popular platforms right now and how they can help in your eCommerce business.

6 Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

1. Google

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

The first one would be Google. You may already know it. It’s a very efficient tool to advertise your store. Everyone knows and uses Google. You can run ads on Google. You can use Google Shopping. You can develop a blog or create your website and optimize it to improve your ranking on Google. In doing so, you will be able to attract much larger traffic to your page, increase your conversion rate, get more customers and boost your sales.

Unlike Facebook or other platforms, those who actively search for a particular product on Google will be more likely to buy it. As they want to buy it so they would find information about it. And that’s great news for you. When you run ads on Google, you will get more quality traffic and get higher conversion. In fact, too many big brands are using Google to promote their businesses. So, there’s no reason that you shouldn’t use it for your social media advertising.

2. Pinterest

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

This one is unlike any other platform. This is a new platform as well. Pinterest is the place people upload their images or ideas about something. You may find it somehow similar to Instagram. unique. And it’s becoming more and more popular these days. People like to surf Pinterest to find ideas for their home decor, for their outfits, for their accessories, and so on. They can also save ideas into boards, which they can easily organize to come back later. Pinterest is more like a place to save your favorite things. It shows your styles as well.

Promoting your business on Pinterest may sound a little bit unfamiliar to you. But it does work. And it will help a lot in your social media advertising campain. You can post some of your best photos here and save them on different boards. You can also pin other ideas to form your style. When people are interested in your style and your boards, it’s the chance for you to send them your offer.

3. Facebook

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

Everyone may already know that Facebook is among the most popular platform for social media advertising. It is very effective as Facebook is used widely all over the world. Either you are targeting a local or international audience, Facebook does a good job for your business. Its algorithm is smart. It has many targeting options to help you reach the right audience.  With Facebook, you will be able to learn about marketing, advertising, to test your ideas constantly. Almost all big brands now use Facebook to promote their products and their business. And there are more and more functions that help entrepreneur to grow their business.

4. Instagram

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

Instagram is another great platform for your social media advertising strategy. Same as Facebook, Instagram is a very popular and effective marketing tool. You can run ads on Instagram, partner with influencers for shoutouts, or even sell your products on this platform. You can post short stories about your brand to tell people your stories, engage with your customers, and increase your brand awareness. You can also post high-quality pictures of your products here. It’s a great place to introduce new arrival or new updates from your brand in an interesting and attractive way. You can use social media to interact with your customers, communicate with them, and build relationships with them.

5. LinkedIn

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

You may know Linkedin as a professional platform where users connect to find jobs or corporates find talents. But it’s even more than that. It can be a very useful tool for social media advertising. You can promote your business here, build your brand awareness among people. You can run ads to advertise your brand. You can find other partners in your industry here to learn from them, to build relationships with them.

6. Twitter

Best Platforms for Social Media Advertising

Twitter is the last platform on our list. It is also a very popular social media platform, which means that you can make it work to advertise your online store. It’s a good idea to run ads on Twitter, or use tweets, hashtags, trends to promote your products. Most Twitter users are highly-educated people. So if you are targeting this group, it’s even better. It’s also a great place for you to interact and communicate with your audience.

Each of the above platforms has its own pros and cons to your social media advertising. It also has its own audience. It’s recommended that you should combine both short-term and long-term marketing and branding strategies to build your brand over time. For the long term, you may want to create your social media account and build your followers. You can build a blog to attract organic but quality traffic to your store. In that way, you will be able to increase your brand awareness day by day. It will not bring you results overnight. But it’s best for building your business in the long run.

In the short term, you can run ads for social media advertising to get customers and get sales. You will see the results right away and know what you have done well and whatnot. If you have little budget, you can utilize low-budget platforms more. If you have a bigger budget, you can run ads on Facebook or Goole more to test your ideas and boost your sales. To sum up, it depends on your marketing goals and your capacity to decide what you should choose and how you can use them. Hopefully, this article will be a big help for you in your business journey.

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