5 Worst reasons why your ads generate no sales

reasons why your ads generate no sales

reasons why your ads generate no sales

In this article, we will help you out by addressing the top 5 main reasons why your ads generate no sales and what you have done wrong. A lot of beginners may wonder: “Why did I test a lot of money, but no sale?” Well, you guys don’t know what you’re doing wrong, but testing in vain, no sales or low sales and high CPP. We understand that it’s discouraging and so draining when you run a bunch of tests, spend a lot of time and effort, but it seems you receive nothing back. So, let’s go and find out what they are!

5 Reasons why your ads generate no sales

reasons why your ads generate no sales

1. Don’t keep your customer file

The first one that we would like to mention as reasons why your ads generate no sales is related to your customer file. It is very important to understand the customer file, who is the buyer, who is the recipient. It helps us not only to target the exact customer on Facebook but also to help us understand the customer Insight, thereby creating the products they want to buy.

Unfortunately, many of you target very ineffectively. If when you ask who the buyer is, you can’t answer it, or you can’t answer it but answer one line and another, then you need to look at your customer file again. Try to find what you have missed out on and learn again.

2. Wrong campaign testing process

The next one of the most common reasons why your ads generate no sales would be your testing process. When it comes to Testing Campaign, there are many things to discuss such as: What model to use? ABO or CBO? Dynamic or Single? Carousel or Video?…. Then test the audience first or test the product first, when to test mockup, when to test Ads Copy… etc.

Your test is quite emotional, or you just listen to someone who tells you what type of test to apply. But you do not really understand the nature of the problem to come up with the right test strategy yourself. And that might be one of the biggest reasons why your ads generate no sales.

3. Inability to Make Decisions

reasons why your ads generate no sales

Because the test is not enough to make data. You just ran a few dollars and turned off the camp. Just like that, running hundreds of dollars without drawing a single conclusion such as which group of Interests is not good, which product is not suitable, which mockup is good, or which age is not on sale… In addition, many of you have not read the data, do not understand what the Ads data tells you since then run forever but do not know how to optimize, do not know where to fix it. This is one of the worst reasons why your ads generate no sales. So be careful and try to avoid the mentioned mistake.

4. The problem is not Facebook Ads

If your CPC and CTR metrics are all good without ATC or Purchase, the problem is most likely not in Facebook Ads but in the Product Page. Is your Product Page optimized for Users? Are the products on the Page suitable for mockups or hanging goats to sell dog meat? To evaluate the quality of the Product Page, you must see the Convert index from View Content => ATC, ATC => IC, and IC => Purchase. As long as you optimize the Product Page, it will automatically sell. So, keep in mind that it’s not always your Facebook Ads. It can be something else.

When you want to investigate the reasons why your ads generate no sales, a thorough look is necessary. You need to consider every factor. And then try to fix it. It might be your product page, might be your website, landing page.

5. Product, Design, Trends subjects

This is one of the most important core reasons why your ads generate no sales. No matter how much you run Ads pro, but Product, Design like jam will still lose. Sell ​​the right products that customers need, with beautiful, unique designs, suitable for Trends, then run ads of any kind to sell. So, are you in a situation of selling forever and not selling? And what problem do you think you are facing here?

Those are the top 5 reasons why your ads generate no sales with your Facebook Ads. Actually, the problem can come from anywhere. And when you notice that you’ve been running for a while but get no profits. You need to evaluate your ads again and find out what happens. Sometimes you don’t know where you have done wrong. Sometimes you need somebody who has another perspective to see. And those are something that we want to share with you. Look forward to your sharing under the comment section. We hope that this post has already brought you valuable information and serves as a great help in your advertising campaign as well as your dropshipping journey.

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